Wednesday 22 March 2017

Chapter 1

Occupational Safety And Health Legislation

Understand the concept of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

What is OSH?

OSH is a study concerned with protecting the safety, health & welfare of all peoples engaged in workplace or employment

Aim of OSH

  • The goal of OSH is to faster a safe work environment
  • As a secondary effect, it may also protect anybody who are impacted by the workplace environment

Concept of OSH

  • Safety First - all actions must take safety first
  • All peoples are exposed to hazards at workplace
  • All peoples should be protected from risks at workplace 
  • Workplace must safe & healthy
  • Reduce human error at workplace
  • The workload and occupational environment must suitable with worker's physiological and psychological capabilities

The Role of OSH

Occupational safety & health should aim at :
  • the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations;
  • the prevention among workers from harm caused by their working condition;
  • the protecting of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health;
  • the placing and maintenance of the worker in an occupational environment adapted to his physiological and psychological capabilities;
  • the adaption of work to man and the adaption of each man to his job

History of OSH

OSH role existense since 120 years ago. The history, can be explained in 5 eras:
  • Steam Boiler Safety Era - before 1914
  • Machinery Safety Era - 1914 till 1952
  • Industrial Safety Era - 1953 till 1967
  • Industrial Safety and Hygiene Era - 1970 till 1994
  • Occupational Safety and Health Era - after 1994

Understand the important of safety in workplace

Why Safety Important?

  • Health Factor :
Safety at workplace is importance to protect peoples from harm that effect body healthy
  • Moral Factor:
To prevent from an accident that cause a depression and suffer to individual and their family

  • Business Factor: 
To prevent from an accident that cause a loss to properties and peoples which could decrease the productivity and profit

Safety Terminology
  • Employee means a person who is employed for wages under a contract of service on or in connection with the work of an industry
  • Employer means the immediate employer or the principal employer or both
  • Principal Employer means the owner of an industry or the person with whom an employee has entered into a contract or service
  • Hazard is something that can cause accident if not controlled
  • Cause is actions, omissions, events, condition, or a combination thereof, which led to the accident or incident (Hazard = Cause )
  • Outcome is the harm/damage that results from an uncontrolled hazard (cause accident)
  • Effect the outcomes resulted from an uncontrolled hazard such as injury, disease, damage, near-miss, loss
  • Harm is the loss to a human being; consequent on damage. Example: injury and disease
  • Damage is the loss of inherent quality suffered by an entity (physical or biological)
(Outcome = Effect = Harm = Damage)

  • Incident is an event that occurs either planned or unplanned event and either caused good or bad outcomes
  • Accident is an unplanned, unexpected event or occurrence which results in injury, fatalities, loss of production or damage to property
  • Near-miss is an event which did not result in injury or damage to property but had the potential to do so
  • Risk is a combination of the probability that a particular outcome will occur and the severity of the harm involved 

Type of Accident

  • Slip, trip & fall of person
  • Struck by an object
  • Striking Against
  • Caught in or between objects
  • Burnt
  • Overexertion / Strenuous Movements
  • Exposure to a contact with extreme temperature
  • Exposure to or contact with electric current
  • Exposure to or contact with harmful substances or radiations

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